Private Law
General legal transactions;
Non-contractual (tort) liability;
Contractual liability;
Adult guardianship proceedings;
Legal representation in assets guarantee proceedings (Paulian action, asset seizure, null and void legal transactions, etc.);
Road accidents;
Works contract;
Sales contract;
Sale of defective product;
Defective work;
Manufacturer liability;
Adverse possession;
Proceedings for exercising pre-emptive rights;
Joint ownership;
Medical liability and malpractice;
Preparation and authentication of general powers of attorney;
Legal representation in disciplinary proceedings before the respective Professional Orders (Medical Association, Bar Association, Economists Association, Architects Association, Nurses Association, etc.);
General regulation for contractual terms;

Commercial and Corporate
Commercial agreements;
Incorporation and dissolution of commercial companies;
Corporate changes – corporate name, headquarters, purpose, etc.
Agreements on shareholdings – share purchase, transfer, sales;
Corporate restructuring;
Drafting and advising on the implementation of Codes of Conduct;
Advice on the day-to-day management of corporations;
Preparation and submissions of commercial registration;
Legal representation before inspection and supervisory authorities (e.g. ASAE, ERS, ACT, IGAMAOT, City Councils, etc.);
Advice and legal representation in commercial or corporate disputes;
Conflict prevention, negotiation, and mediation;
Preventive and pre-litigation advice;
Legal representation or alternative dispute resolution methods in various legal fields such as Private Law, Commercial Law, Labour Law, and Criminal Law;
Appeals before all judicial bodies: Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of Justice, and Constitutional Court;

Commercial and legal guarantees;
Drafting and interpreting contracts;
Right to protection of health and physical safety;
Contracts for the supply of essential goods or services;
Manufacturer’s liability;
Advising clients on expropriation proceedings during administrative stage;
Legal representation during litigation with a view to establishing fair compensation;

Family and Inheritance
Prenuptial agreements;
Pre-marriage advice on property regime;
Divorce by mutual consent or litigation;
Legal separation of persons and property;
Settlement of parental responsibilities;
Proceedings for alimony due to children (minors and adults) and ex-spouses;
Civil guardianship proceedings;
Proceedings for inventory and judicial or extrajudicial property settlement agreement due to inheritance or divorce;
Living inheritance;
Paternity and maternity proceedings;
Research and advice on the legal status of property;
Eviction lawsuits;
Promissory contract;
Property contracts;
Transition into NRAU (New Urban Lease Regime);

Legal representation of insolvent Individuals and companies;
Legal representation of creditors in insolvency and rehabilitation proceedings;
Lodging Claims;
Recovery and rehabilitation proceedings;
Procedures related to insolvency proceedings;
Legal assistance and representation of workers and companies;
Advice on workplace health and safety;
Workplace accidents;
Foreign labour contracts;
Individual and collective employment contracts and negotiation;
Drafting of temporary and fixed-term or indefinite employment contracts;
Social Security;
Disciplinary proceedings;
Employment termination proceedings;
Non-disclosure and exclusivity agreements;
Minimum term employment agreements;
Advice to Human Resources Departments;
Representation before the ACT (Workplace Conditions Authority);

Criminal and Administrative Offences
Legal representation;Preventive advice on the various relevant legal and regulatory frameworks;
Defence in criminal and administrative offence proceedings;
Development of implementation plans for general anticorruption and whistleblowing regime;
Criminal complaint;
Claim for damages.
Data Protection
Preparation of plans for adjustments and compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and further relevant legislation;
Preparation of contractual documents;
Development of a code of conduct for personal data protection.

Debt Recovery